Sunday, January 27, 2013

52 Parks ~ 52 Weeks Week Four

I have begun to look forward to my adventures more and more.  There is something about donning my Timberland's   and heading down a trail less traveled alone with the birds and the sound of the wind that is so incredibly peaceful and calming.  For this week’s adventure I headed to Fort Pulaski just outside Savannah, Georgia. On my way back from the Cockspur Island Lighthouse where I may or may not have ventured down a trail that may or may not have been a legitimate NPS sanctioned trail (in my defense...until it actually "ended" it looked like a trail to me!!) I came up with a number of new sales slogans for Timberland! Because going down what looks like a trail until the tide changes and you realize that this was not a trail can end in a bad outcome...unless your boots are waterproof! 

“Timberland’s because the trail of life isn't always clearly defined.”
“Timberland’s because sometimes you have to make your own trail to get back home.”
“Timberland’s they’ll never lead you down a trail they can’t handle.”

I have more but do you get the picture?  Because down that trail... I got the picture!! Hope you enjoy this weeks shots!  #Findatrail 

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