Saturday, April 28, 2007

~Easter Sunday~

I'm so glad that He lives to change me from what I am to who He is! I'm so thankful that He came thru time to bring my sin back and nail it to that tree so that I can live free of me! I can live His life thru my body. Cain gave a fruit offering that came from a ground that was cursed. But what God wanted was a blood sacrifice. Now that Jesus has given the blood sacrifice for us what God wants is our heart, not the fruit of our labor produced from a self life! I'm glad to know that the victory in my life is not up to me & how much I do but rather how much of myself I give over to Him. The depth of my salvation depends on the amount of dying to self that I allow so that for Him to live I must die! Then He is free to show me how to walk thru life with peace and joy. I choose to give Him the ability to live His life thru mine! I choose to sit at His feet wherever I am with constant spiritual evolving and change. Lord I want to be more like you today and everyday!

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